The fifth month starts out with Stanford hosting the USA Rugby college finals in four divisions, and then two weeks later:
SF/Golden Gate proudly announces the return of the Golden Gate Tournament, May 15-16, 2010, with competition in the following divisions:
Men’s Premier
Men’s Social
Old Boys
High school Gold
High School Silver
In years past, the GG Tournament often hosted high-caliber feature matches. 2010 will be no different, with the first-ever California Boy’s High School State Championship!
Our Society has mourned the loss of a season-ending tournament. For referees, it will serve as an excuse to get together at the end of the year, an evaluation opportunity for those half-dozen refs who are usually ready to move up and want only a stage to strut their stuff, and exchange bait to bring more folks to Pelicanland.
And we used to think it was difficult to wait for Christmas!
Please leave our referees free from 10 until 3 on October 17. That’s the day of the annual society pre-season training conference, AGM, and biennial election of officers.
Evening games would be fine, or Sunday, that weekend.
PLEASE SEND IN ANY PRE-SEASON FIXTURES YOU HAVE ARRANGED. DO NOT ASSUME THAT THE HOME TEAM WILL DO SO. With advance notice, we can cover all of the events, but when notice is tardy then conflicts arise. Saturday calendars have a way of becoming full for those referees who don’t have assignments at least a week or two out. When we hear about fixtures mid-week sometimes there’s no one left to cover them.
REO David Williamson has published the schedule for our 2010 training meeting series, all at the SFGG clubhouse from 7 to 9 PM:
Wednesday, Dec 9
Wednesday, Jan 13
Wednesday, Feb 10
Wednesday, Mar 10
Wednesday, Apr 14
Figure the second Wednesday of the month you’re with your mates!
A coffee table book covering the history of the Game in this blessed land is being created by USA Rugby.
It would be nice to have in-depth coverage of the NCRFU, the NCRRS and such events as the Monterey/Pebble Beach and Golden Gate tournaments.
If you have such material archived, or know someone who does, please contact Scriptoris!
Dan Hickey, are you reading this?
If you’d like to run the line or just get in a chance for some peer-coaching, head on out:
SF Fog – San Diego Surfers Referee: Pete Smith
Sacramento State men – Southern Oregon Univ. Referee: Chris Tucker
Chico State Alumni Game Referee: Chris Labozzetta
ARs: Jackie Finck, Rod Chance
Sunday, 10AM, GAA pitch on Treasure Island
All Blues – Minnesota Valkyries Referee: Davey Ardrey
ARs: Pete Smith, Bruce Carter
Sacramento Amazons – NorCal Triple Threat Referee: Scott Wood
Saturday night, September 26:
Stanford Red 2 tries – Stanford White 2 tries Referee: James Hinkin
AR: Sandy Robertson, Roberto Santiago
Stanford men’s rugby played a 5-minute exhibition at halftime of the Stanford-Washington football game. The teams were excited to be playing in front of a large crowd and gave all 36,930 spectators a wild spectacle. The referee is glad he wasn’t being assessed as he is sure that he missed several hands in the ruck, knock ons and miscellaneous minor infractions. Both sides scored a pair of tries on breakaway runs and some spectacular tackles brought “ooooo”s from the crowd. Stanford Rugby definitely came out a winner on this night.
We were scheduled to leave PA for VA Beach on Saturday, but when I was offered two college games, Teresa managed to extend our stay one more night in Gettysburg.
I arrived at the pitch just after 10am to find both women’s teams already warming up. It was to be a double header with the women playing at 11 and the men kicking off at 1pm.
Gettysburg Women 12 – BUCKNELL COLLEGE 52 Referee: Sam Reagle
Conditions: Perfect
This was a non-league game with 3-30 minute periods. I went over to the Bucknell sideline looking for their coach, but was informed that she was playing for a women’s team in another town today. My first impression was that Bucknell appeared disorganized with only 2 subs and may not have come to play where Gettysburg was drilling with almost 2 full sides. The game started out a bit slow with Gettysburg scoring their first try about 8 minutes into the game. Bucknell showed little offense, but was tackling very well and only allowed 1 more try before the end of the first period. Score: 12-0 Gettysburg.
I had little reason not to expect more of the same for the next 2 periods, but it was anything but that. The Bucknell offense arrived when they cycled the ball to their winger and she outran Gettysburg for their first try about 7 minutes in, then did it again about 5 minutes later. A pushover try about 10 minutes later ended the scoring for the second period, but not the aggressive play. Unlike the first period where there were many stoppages, this period flowed with several minutes between whistles. It was tiring for everyone, but really fun to watch. Both teams had several attacks thwarted by excellent tackling, but Bucknell's backs were getting their rhythm and finding the holes. Score: 21-12 Bucknell.
The final period was similar to the second with both teams moving the ball and tackling well, but Bucknell prevailing with their speed advantage. Bucknell scored roughly every 6 minutes this period while keeping Gettysburg out of goal with a solid defensive effort. Good luck to both teams this season.
Gettysburg College Men 17 – FRANKLIN & MARSHALL (F&M) 36
Referee: Sam Reagle
Conditions: Perfect
Having refereed 90 minutes of rugby with 2 halftimes before the men’s game, we were tight on time for a 1pm kickoff. Lucky for me, F&M College didn't arrive until about 12:50 and asked for a 12:20 kickoff stating that someone had accidentally cancelled their bus back at the college. Gettysburg agreed and we actually got going at 1:15pm. The first ten minutes saw me doing much more managing than I'm used to in NorCal, but we got things sorted out and a wonderful game ensued. Gettysburg got on the scoreboard first at the 16 minute mark with an aggressive run in the corner. F&M answered back 6 minutes later with a try of their own. Gettysburg scored a converted try 29 minutes in to complete the scoring for the first half. 12-5.
In the second half, the game really opened up with a lot of fast ball and few stoppages. Both teams were moving the ball, but F&M started to dominate most rucks and scored tries at the 4, 6 and 11 minute marks playing power rugby. Gettysburg crossed the plane about 17 minutes in with an unconverted try. F&M scored a pushover try at 23 minutes and their final try at full time.
I thoroughly enjoyed both games. The players are very respectful and seemed happy to get a referee. Thanks again to Sherry and the Eastern Penn Society for the games.
October 10: Reno (fifteens) tournament – four pitches, all day. So far we’ve got five refs. This could be problematic. Please help the needy.
October 17: Society training meeting at AGM at St. Mary’s, 10 – 3.
October 31: Stanford Tens, and the Baracus Tens on Treasure Island. Dress up like a rugby referee for Halloween this year!
November 7: Mittry Memorial Tournament in Redding
November 14: Level One referee course in West Sacramento
November 15: Touch Judge and Assistant Referee courses in West Sac
November 21: Chico Holiday Classic. Three pitches this year, bigger and better!
Two of us are joining USA Rugby for 2010 each week. At this rate, all of our regulars will be CIPP registered by the end of the season in May.
That won’t do. Go to
Click on Registration ’09-’10 just below Welcome in the column on the left.
Take the first option: Create/Renew Individual Membership. Go from there.
REMEMBER to print out the liability waiver. This needs to be signed and submitted in hard copy to our treasurer, Jim Crenshaw, with your $10 annual NCRRS dues.
The San Francisco Golden Gate Rugby Club presents: The Grand Rugby Banquet
Featuring Guest Speaker: Wallaby Legend John Eales
Eales played lock for Queensland Reds and Australia
55-cap reign as captain of the Wallabies
Won the Rugby World Cup twice in his illustrious career, first in 1991, and later skippering his country to victory in 1999
St Gabriel’s School
2550 41st avenue
Saturday October 17
6:30 PM
Proceeds to benefit Bay Area Youth Rugby
Tickets include three course dinner, wine and entertainment
To Purchase a seat or table
Tickets: Individual $125 or Table of Ten $1200
Contact: Paul Keeler (415) 362 1010
This will be in the evening after our AGM. If you’d like to attend and sit at a ‘referee table’, let us know and whether you’ll have a guest. It’s for a good cause!
In photo (l-r) Roberto Santiago, James Hinkin. Sandy Robertson, adoring throng
For the Senate
Pelicus Scriptoris