The Promotion Committee of the NCRRS has recognized Don Pattalock’s efforts and abilities on pitches around Pelicanland and awarded him the grade of C1.
Congratulations, Don. Now the tough games begin, more challenging and more rewarding.
We won’t have the East Midlands group in town on this odd-numbered year, but we will have five exchange referees and one assessor.
This calls for a party!
We will reprise last March’s dinner at the Pyramid Alehouse in Berkeley on Saturday, March 17. Make plans now to attend and let David Williamson know how many will be in your party:
Drinks and appetizers will begin at 6:30, buffet dinner at 7:30; Society members pay $25 each, with the Society covering the balance.
Our guests will be:
Victoria: Colin Dyer and Dave Valentine
Eastern Rockies: Larry Johnson
MARFU: Jason Wallach
Virginia: Simon Smith
An Assessor to be named.
Well it’s the middle of March but it feels just like summer
And I wouldn’t call that a California bummer
Cause it’s the days like these when I remember you most
It’s like a low pressure system coming in off the coast
The waves crash down and I wondered just where you are
And you took me so far, so far
So Far, The Orange Peels
Are you in love? Would you like to be in love? How about feeling like you’re in love, with happy times, road music, driving the legendary highways of California pursuing your dream?
Just call up The Orange Peels on your car stereo or iPod next time you’re following the bouncing ball and you’ll be there:
Lyrics about San Francisco, the peninsula, San Jose, 101, the Northern California coast, the weather coloring our emotions but never darkening our moods, love rising no matter that the barometer be falling…
(We trust that the exigencies of meter account for the lyricist’s placing the definite article before a roadway’s numeral in referencing it, which is of course the shibboleth of a Southern Californian , in Circling the Sun. These guys are from San Jose; in Pelicanland we say ‘101’, not ‘the 101’)
This is pure power pop for optimists. Post-modern penthouse narcissists and angst-ridden dwellers in irony’s cellar won’t find their minor-chord dissonance and dissatisfaction here.
The disks Circling the Sun and So Far have more hooks than a sheet of Velcro.
Points of reference? From the early nineties we are reminded of two British bands, the Lightning Seeds and the Trashcan Sinatras. Early eighties? Probably LA’s The Three O’Clock comes closest. The playful use of images from and allusions to nature suggest the best of XTC over the past three decades.
With these sounds and these thoughts did the now-retired Lone Pelican motor down the Salinas Valley Saturday morn, newly-wed and confirmed in the priesthood of happiness.
It was later in the winter than our traditional early-season trip to Arroyo Grande, brighter and greener, a brand-new day for a brand-new man.
The plows were out. The asparagus was coming in. Acres of sprinklers lent arcs of rainbows that kept station but never quite caught up with our pot of gold.
The crooked Mission bells lining 101 handed us off, one to the next, safeguarding the journey, wedding bells to the Lone Pelican No More.
Suffice it to say: it was pleasant. Flow was setting in well before kickoff. And this was at the top of the Cuesta Pass, where it was 65 degrees at 10 AM.
Less than ten miles later, passing through San Luis Obispo, it was 82 degrees! Time to pull over and drop the top, the Pelicanmobile shedding its winter coat.
And not a moment too soon: the drive to Arroyo Grande’s new pitch is spectacular.
Daffodils turned their sunny faces to us as we motored past the old pitch, nothing to sneeze at despite the Spring-like pollen count. Further east, through citrus trees so heavily laden their fruit bent down begging to be picked, to Talley Fields.
Arroyo Grande have outdone themselves. Actually, they’ve outdone most of the rugby clubs that we are aware of. You have to go to Stanford to find a comparable playing surface. And the first donor name listed on the parking lot sign announcing the pitch: Pelican Ref Andy Doukas.
A new field of dreams: pool-table green, pool-table flat; lots of room behind the end-to-end sideline ropes; full in-goals; room for another generous pitch forming an L with the first one; and a clubhouse to be built at their juncture.
Lagniappe: there is also an elevated farm road running alongside, a perfect perch for video-coaching aficionados!
On the day, Pete Smith refereed a SoCal collegiate match, Cal Poly hosting UC San Diego, followed by Arroyo Grande and the Sacramento Capitals. It was Rugby Heaven come to Earth.
It wasn’t just warm: it was barefoot, shirtless, breeze-stirring warm.
It was a day for the Lone Pelican to foreswear his loneliness and join the ranks of the happily married. Henceforth: The Pair-Bonded Pelican!
The assigned referee did not show up for the UC Davis – Chico State women’s match Saturday. This was due to a misunderstanding borne of trusting to e-mail among multiple parties in scheduling.
The referee in question has apologized to the home team’s coach. Thanks to Rod Chance for bailing the game out.
Several points need to be emphasized for all of our readers:
College and club matches have priority over high school matches for NCRRS referees. There are a lot of reasons for this, which we will not recapitulate here.
Confirm with the home team the time and place of the match. Do not be distracted by others who ‘speak’ for them.
Official appointments are those received from Bruce Carter and Pete Smith. If you are ever in doubt, USE THE TELEPHONE.
The assignments posted on are useful as a first approximation. So many changes occur after the initial appointments are made that the website cannot be kept real-time accurate.
Every club, college and high school absolutely should have a level-one certified referee in good standing to referee their games when the assigned referee does not turn up, or one cannot be assigned. We do not have a reserve supply of referees sitting by the telephone on Saturday mornings; quite the contrary, we could use another five to ten referees on any Saturday during the season.
We make every effort to cover scheduled matches, but we are volunteers of limited numbers, subject to injuries and misunderstandings, with jobs, and families, and ‘lives’.
Wednesday, February 14:
Sacramento State 22 (4) – CALIFORNIA 65 (10) Referee: Jim Crenshaw
UC Berkeley came up to Sacramento to play Sacramento State on Wednesday. The weather was in the mid 60's, clear and no wind - perfect!!
The first half was almost all Cal, scoring 4 converted tries and 1 unconverted try. Sac State scored an unconverted try just before halftime to make the score Cal 33 - Sac State 5.
Sac State started the second half with a number of fresh players and put up a converted try 3 minutes into the half. Cal answered with an unconverted try about 5 minutes later. Sac State scored an unconverted try about ten minutes later that was answered by Cal almost immediately. Sac State scored another unconverted try at the 25 minute mark, but that was all they could muster. Cal scored a converted try a couple of minutes later and two unconverted tries to finish the match.
Saturday, February 17:
San Mateo 19 – SF/GOLDEN GATE 37 Referee: Jim Crenshaw
Seconds: San Mateo – SFGG Referee: John Coppinger
No report received.
Diablo Gaels 12 – HAYWARD 46 Referee: Paul Bretz
Hayward completely dominated play as they scored the first two tries of the match and the last two tries of the match. Final score was 46-12. Diablo failed to meet Hayward at the gain line and so Hayward was always going forward, both offensively and defensively. Diablo had some good runs but the runners always seemed to get isolated and once they were taken to ground turnovers were the result.
Seconds: Diablo Gaels 26 – HAYWARD 39 Referee: Joe Androvich
Assessor: Bryan Porter
SACRAMENTO LIONS 38 (6) – Seahawks 25 (3) Referee: Joe Leisek
Danny Nunn Park, Sacramento
A brilliantly sunny day, ground firm underfoot, and two experienced, well-coached sides in a D1 clash. We are so lucky to referee in Northern California. The game was fast-paced and free-flowing in spots, with several tries scored and many changes of possession and long runs both teams. The sides exchanged converted tries fairly early in the match. Sacramento would score two more in the first half, with San Jose keeping it close via the accurate boot of wing James Hinkin. The halftime score was 19-13 to the hosts. The second half was also close, but more in Sacramento's favor (three tries to two), as the hosts' speed and strength seemed to wear their opponents down a little. Sacramento's lineup includes lock Adam Casias, '06 NA4 player and former USAF All-American who was invited to this weekend's USA Rugby World Cup training camp.
Seconds: SACRAMENTO LIONS 36 – Seahawks 24 Referee: Ray Schwartz
Touch Judge: Joe Leisek
Referee Coach: David Williamson
Danny Nunn Park, Sacramento
I arrived minutes before Joe's scheduled A Side kick off with some anticipation, but soon that turned as the Seahawks lacked numbers, and even jerseys. The jerseys arrived, after being held up in traffic, but as the A Side match ended, I was flabbergasted by the San Jose coach's claim that there would be no 2nd side match. I had confirmed with their Administrator Vivian during the week. I confirmed with the Lions on the day. I confirmed with every player who arrived late from the 'Hawks. I made it a point to not bother the coach as his focus, rightly so was on getting his side ready to compete in the A Side. I encouraged him to overcome any and all consternation at the thought of his side fulfilling its obligations. A second run would be good for all! It was made to happen in good part due to Lion's Coach Nam Nadruku lending the 'Hawks a nearly full backline.
25 minutes was settled upon for the time of each half, as San Jose kicked off in brilliant sunshine on a relaxing warm afternoon, with some 100+ fans still present to enjoy the show. The Seahawks got on the board first and keep going until they took a 24-nil lead early in the second half. From there the Lions started scored and never stopped until they reached 36. Action was end to end and side to side (at times), but in the end the gas had run out of everyone's tank... in fact when I ended the match a few minutes early, the players thanked me. Of special concern was my right knee, apparently injured in San Diego the weekend before. It may be taking me out of action for a while.
CAL POLY 88 – UC San Diego 5 Referee: Pete Smith
Videographer: Bruce Carter
Cal Poly is cutting a swath through their SoCal opposition. The conditions lent solace to the visitors at Talley Fields.
Arroyo Grande 12 (2) – SACRAMENTO 86 (13) Referee: Bruce Carter
Break up the Capitals! These guys are awesome, and they traveled more than 300 miles with two full squads. Their Sac State connection is paying dividends.
Seconds: Cal Poly – Sacramento Referee: Andy Doukas
No report received.
Your ‘reporter’ watched this game but was too smitten by the air, the surroundings, the ‘scenery’ and the scenery, and engrossing conversation with Pete Smith and Bo Kelly to be able to say more than that it was a fun match to sit alongside.
Fresno 39 (5) – SANTA ROSA 41 (6) Referee: Tony Latu
Venue: Granite Park, Fresno.
Rosa warmed up at 1200 while the home team was still collecting their players. At 1230, Fresno finally got their team warming up. Rosa looked great during pre-game stretch. Kicked off at 1300 and Rosa looked flat. Fresno controled the first 30 mins and they scored 25 points to 15 at the break. Rosa woke up at the second half and it was a GAME. Unfortunately one won and one lost. Rosa scored with 2 min. to go and they won 41(6) to 39(5).
Santa Clara 15 (2) – SF/GOLDEN GATE U-23, 18 (2) Referee: Chris Fisher
California – USMA Canceled due to East Coast weather.
Global warming seems to have shut down all of the metropolitan New York airports. It must have been that the tarmac was too soft. We're still trying to sort this out. It might have been the lack of ozone interfereing with something or other. Or sunspots? We're sure it's a crisis.
ST. MARY’S 36 (5) – UC Davis 10 (1) Referee: Scott Wood
Location: Moraga, CA
Weather: Beautiful, clear blue skies
Pitch condition: Newly refurbished and freshly blessed
Saint Mary’s College officially celebrated the re-opening of the newly renovated Patrick Vincent Memorial Rugby Field on Saturday with a pre-match blessing of the pitch. The Gaels hosted the Aggies on a solid, low cut and fast pitch. St. Mary's scored quickly off their opening drive. Penalties were abundant in the first half as the teams attempted to control the ball at the breakdowns. St. Mary's entered the half leading 12-3. The Aggies scored a converted try early in the second half to come within two points. However, the Gaels' Tate Soinilla and Volney Rouse were able to create opportunities in the Aggies' backline to finish the match 36-10.
Seconds: St. Mary's 15 (3) – UC DAVIS 38 (6) Referee: Giles Wilson
A beautiful day, an SMC alumni gathering for the opening of the new field; a spirited game was played with quite a few players learning the game.
UCD played better defense and were more organized in the first half scoring 4 tries (2 conversions) to zero. After a stern half time chat, SMC came out with better focus and determination. They quickly scored a couple of unconverted tries before UCD got back in the act. In the second half SMC scored 3 unconverted tries to 2 converted tries for UCD.
Sacramento State 19 (3) – CHICO STATE 58 (10) Referee: Sam Reagle
Conditions: Warm, dry
The simple story of this game is that one team listened to the referee and the other never seemed to get the message. Though there were no penalty kicks attempted the entire game, both sides had their share of indiscretions early on. Sac State started very strong, driving over a try in the opening minutes. 5 minutes later, the Hornets scored another converted try in similar fashion despite a couple of defensive infractions. The Wildcats got on the scoreboard a few minutes later and the Hornets scored again at the 22 minute mark to lead 19-7.
Then, almost immediately after speaking to both captains about repeated offenses, the Hornets were offside again and received their first of 4 sinbins during the game. The Wildcats, on the other hand, still committed an occasional penalty, but noticeably picked up their game both in play and in obeying my instructions. I can't help but second guess myself about what I should have done differently, but Chico State got the message and Sac State simply didn't.
Chico State scored the next 9 tries.
Thanks Bryant for running touch the first half and your words of support.
Seconds: Sacramento State 17 – CHICO STATE 29 Referee: Bryant Byrnes
Referee Coach: Kat Todd-Schwartz
Proof positive of global warming-a hot February day in Sacto. And proof that our game is wonderfully thriving in the heartland; this was a seconds match but it was fast, thoroughly contested and well played. I compliment both programs.
The first 10 minutes were almost continuous furious red zone pressure by Chico. They ultimately scored, kept the pressure on, and had a comfortable 17-5 lead at mid game. The second half saw a reorganized Sac – finally in agreement with the ref on offside – come roaring back and coming within 7 points before Chico got an insurance try. Thanks to Kat Todd for her constructive coaching.
NEVADA 43 (7) – SF Fog 0 Referee: Don Pattalock
Touch Judges: P. Ulibarri/G. Walsh
Two good coaches, two good friends (Kenny Bousfield and Bruce Anderson) prepared their respective teams for a true bracket buster friendly under unbelievable skies in Reno. The Fog, uncharacteristically, traveled with only 16 players for this match. Nevada came out hard and controlled the breakdowns as well as the gain line for the majority of the match. Nevada’s athleticism overwhelmed the mostly inexperienced Fog side. Good day for all.
Nevada 2 – Reno
Not sure if this was even played.
HUMBOLDT STATE over San Jose State by forfeit
U of San Francisco 7 (1) – MARITIME ACADEMY 24 (4) Referee: Mike King
Referee Coach: Dixon Smith
What a nice way to end a balmy, sunny day in San Francisco, on the wonderful surface of the USF soccer field. Several sustained drives by Cal Maritime were thwarted by the hard tackling USF side early in the match. The home side even scored first on a nice breakaway converted try. Near the end of the first half the score was evened, and Cal Maritime took control for most of the remainder of the match. What the less experienced USF side lacked in knowledge and size, they made up for in desire. A well fought encounter by all, and just before the SF fog and chill engulfed the field shortly after the final whistle.
UC Davis women 0 – CHICO STATE 39 Referee: Rod Chance
Humboldt State women 0 – CALIFORNIA 48 (8) Referee: John Pohlman
The schedule had me doing two games at Humboldt State this weekend. Humboldt State Woman versus Cal. at 10:30 AM and Humboldt State Men versus San Jose State at 1:00 PM. The San Jose State team has been depleted due to injuries and some losses. On Thursday I was notified the men's game would be forfeited due to lack of numbers by San Jose.
The woman's game was moved to 11:00AM.
I arrived around 9:30 and both teams were out warming up. After discussing a fan barrier the field looked great. Humboldt had not seen the sun for days. Today looked like the fog may lift.
Sure enough at kickoff the sun popped out. Temperature around 52 and great field conditions.
The first half was very well contested. Lots of great defense, multiple phases and three trys for Cal.
Captain, #8 and workhouse Katie Chow scored the first try at eleven minutes. Cal's defense was the difference. They frustrated Humboldt sucking in players, whoops a turnover and a 80 meter try by winger Leslie Edwards. Another defense stand resulted in the final try of the half by center Martha Zulli Camacho.
Half time score 19-0.
At half time I looked up at the ski to see the fog flying in as borne by a hurricane. This livened up the Humboldt players. They saw this as a sign of a changing tide.
But, Cal's fitness and defense kept Humboldt in check. Cal scored five trys in the second half. Another long run by Leslie Edwards netted her second try.
Katie Chow was my player of the game. Putting in the hard work with tackles, cleaning out the sets and charging runs.
Seconds: HUMBOLDT 12 – California 0 Ref: Pohlman
The seconds played two 20 minutes halves. Humboldt won 12-0.
Nevada women 0 – STANFORD 66 Referee: Rich Anderson
It was a Chamber of Commerce Saturday at the University of Nevada-Reno. The sun was shining with just a hint of snow on the hill tops. The #10 in the country Men's basketball team was beating Northern Iowa (Is Iowa large enough to have a North?) And the Women's rugby team was preparing to host the #1 team in the Country, Stanford.
Stanford took care of business with a very efficient 66-0 performance. The Reno squad, however, deserves some praise. Although they have a young and inexperienced group, and knew they were in for a rough afternoon, there they were, 25 strong an hour and a half before the match. There enthusiasm did not wane during or after the match. If they can keep together that energy and commitment, their improvement will be quick. As for Stanford, they looked well loaded for the remainder of the season.
SAC STATE women 36 (6) – St. Mary's 10 (1) Referee: Rob Hendrickson
Sacramento State women hosted St Mary’s women for a 10:00 game under cloudy skies but otherwise great conditions. Sac State consistently spun the ball out wide to their winger who St Mary’s found was very tough to stop. St Mary’s’ try came in the final seconds of the second half and involved a controversial stiff arm to the head of the would-be tackler which came dangerously close to being a palm of the hand to the face, but calmer heads prevailed and St Mary’s was awarded the try.
SAN JOSE STATE women 102 (16) – Santa Clara 7 Referee: Sandy Robertson
The Santa Clara women came to San Jose with a rugby league side--just 13 players. They played gamely but the overlaps were there throughout the match and San Jose took full advantage: running hard, finding the gaps, spinning it wide and offloading well when tackled.
Monday, February 19
Chico State women 26 (4) –UNIV. OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 31 (5) Referee: Tony Latu
That's right, it was a Holiday but we still play rugby in Norcal. Chico’s next game is Stanford and this is a great tune up game for them. UBC gave Chico something to think about when the meet the best of the West. Our Canadian friends ran wild on our home girls and won a close game by 5. The final score UBC 31(5) to 26(4). I'm sure Alex will look at the film and have the team ready by Sat.
What a week for me, 3 games in 5 days hundred of miles apart. From Galt to Sacramento on Thursday, Galt to Fresno on Sat and finally to Chico on Monday. This is what refereeing rugby it's all about; adventure, seeing new counties and meeting new friends.
Monday, February 12
De La Salle 12 – LAMORINDA 14 Referee: Ray Schwartz
Touch Judges: Ed Barfels & Chris Parkhouse
As Chris pulled a hammy a few weeks ago, Coach Paul Still asked me if I'd stand in the day I got back from the USA 7s in San Diego. Why not? Can't get enough rugby!
The drive from sunny Sacramento at rush hour was made easy cruising down thru the Delta on Hwy 160. But it turned ominous as I could see Mt. Diablo becoming enshrouded in low clouds. I turned off Hwy 4 onto Bailey Road to slip through a mountain pass and come in the back way but weather turned to a white-out briefly. 70 miles in 70 minutes I pulled up to DLS relaxed and good to go. Changed in the locker room and then out to conduct the prematch formalities at 6 for the 6:15 kickoff.
What a cracker of a game! The two sides seemed to truly dislike each other, and the parents were really getting into it too. Hard hitting and well played all the way, with plenty of occasional bone-headed rookie high school mistakes along the way as well. The first half ended 7-7. Just before the half I had to bin an overly-aggressive and under-coached forward from Lamo. He was repeatedly joining rucks from the side and tossing his hands in for good measure. Moments later DLS might have scored from a 5 meter tap and go, but for the back who missed my prematch request for a clean tap; tap cleanly he did not, and the opportunity turned into an opposing scrum just like that.
The second half remained tied for a long while until DLS broke thru, with their scrumhalf noting he was unmarked from a scrum on the far left. He raced up the touchline and was able to dot down under the posts, but the conversion missed the mark. Later the same SH took a tap and go from a standing start and passed the ball forward right infront of me! Another needless turnover. DLS then nearly scored a clincher, but the one attacker was perfectly held up in goal as the Lamo wing was able to tackle so that his body remained squarely under the ball. Lamo came roaring back, scored a try to tie, and neatly slotted the conversion from the right side to take the lead. With under 30 seconds left DLS was awarded a scrum at their 5-meter line. They won possession and advanced the ball with hard running, rucking and through several Lamo penalties until play died at midfield.
The field turf football field under the lights is so excellent in some ways, but I would say DLS would have been better off on a full pitch, as Lamo played the hard pounding, straight ahead game better that DLS, while Spartans had better backs out wide, but rarely was the support present in time to preserve continuity. Lamo has an excellent front lineout jumper who won a lot of possession up high, taking most of his own throws and stealing a good few. DLS's front row, lead by U-19 Derrick Sagehorn is big and powerful, but the hooker still was not cleaning winning the put in. Early in the season for two very good clubs. Lamo's Tony McKenzie is hoping to improve all year and is gunning for Jesuit!
Thursday, February 15
For Pete's Sake Field, Santa Rosa
MONTGOMERY VIKINGS 25 (4) – Windsor-Healdsburg 0 Referee: Cary Bertelone
Touch Judge: Mike King
Referee With Notebook: Joe Leisek
Cary's first game as a referee. Long a fixture in the local rugby community, Cary formerly played with the Santa Rosa men's club and coached the Montgomery high school team.
He is one of the newest Level 1 grads and is now prepared to referee high school games and even take the next step: NCRFU assignments. MIke King showed up in his kit to offer touch judging support and I showed up in a peer coaching role. Despite the recent rains, the surface was in fine shape...kudos to Lynn Meister and everyone involved.
Cary managed things well and produced a game that the players seemed to enjoy. Since it was the first game of the Redwood Empire Conference season, there were a fair number of handling errors and offside, but Cary contained it and played advantage well. Good stuff!
Christian Brothers 8 (1) – JESUIT 41 (7) Referee: Tony Latu
Christian Brothers hosted our National champ Jesuit at Florin Reservoir in Sacramento. This is the home turf for the Sac Capitols.
It was a great start for CB as they drew the first blood. But the outside center for Jesuit did a hat trick and did the job. Jesuit won 41(7) to 8(1).
Friday, February 16
Aptos 12 – EAST PALO ALTO 48 Referee: Bruce Carter
Friday night lights at Aptos High School found another good crowd to watch a young home side (nine players in their first game) take on a dynamic East Palo Alto.
Two nice tries through heavy traffic early in the second half by EPA #8 Maliu Penitani sealed the deal.
ELSIE ALLEN 29 (5) – Marin 15 (3) Referee: Mike King
Both sides were ready to do battle under the lights in Santa Rosa, no quarter given. Early attacks by Elsie Allen were repelled with vigor and the tides turned for awhile, with repeated forays by Marin deep into the home side territory. The match was evenly drawn for much of the first half. As time progressed, the home side began gaining momentum and forged into the lead. Marin was undaunted and continued to pressure when it could. Neither team could be blamed for leaving anything on the field at the conclusion of the match.
SANTA ROSA – Sonoma Referee: Dixon Smith
Santa Rosa looked very strong as they hosted Sonoma at For Pete's Sake Field in Santa Rosa. Both teams stayed on their feet and recycled the ball extremely well. But the larger Santa Rosa backs, with good support from the forwards, were able to score five tries in both halves while denying Sonoma a score.
Varsity HS Action, Friday
Davis 10 – MOTHER LODE 22 Referee: Ray Schwartz
Pioneer Park, Davis
Lovely, warm afternoon, with two sides good to go, the grounds looking sharp but for some rather large gopher holes in the far end zone... not to self, bring sand next time!
Mother Lode seemed to get confidently on a role midway through this first half, going up 22-0. The forwards punched through once and again, and then their flyhalf scored on a nifty dummy thrown a midfield, allowing him to scamper all the way in untouched. Soon after a fourth try, I felt the need to yellow card a forward guilty of repeat infringements at the rucks. The Davis Captain, a tall, young lock, scored from a penalty play as Mother Lode's discipline broke down just before the half. Davis would score again early in the second half to make a game of it, and upped their intensity admirably to compete all around the pitch with the boys from El Dorado Hills. But the Blue Devil's hooker, who had never played before, developed a bad habit of collapsing the scrum. As there was no appropriate front row sub, we went to uncontested scrums, and whereas the action continued, the scoring stopped. Good game, played in high spirits!
GG – Elsie Allen Referee: John Coppinger
Golden Gate JV 10 (2) – HAYWARD U-19 39 (7) Referee: Bruce Bernstein
SFGG held their own in the scrums, rucks & mauls but Hayward's backs were older, bigger & faster & dominated when they had the ball out. Their flyhalf, wing & outside center, Roy Helu, Jr. are about the best at that level I've seen--most of the time my eyes couldn't keep up with them.
GG HS Frosh/Soph – Alameda JV Referee: Paul Smith
Exiles 15 (3) – Peninsula Green 56 (10) Referee: Sandy Robertson
Peninsula Green started fast, with 3 tries in the first 10 minutes and had 36 points at the half. They dominated possession and territory throughout the match, but in the 2nd half the Exiles took the opportunities that arose and put 3 tries on the board.
DAVIS High School Girls 62 – Berkeley 0 Referee: Bryant Byrnes
A typical Northern California wintery day in the Valley-low 70s and blue skies. Not close, but good spirited and fun. Davis used an experienced and disciplined back line to wonderful effect; Berkeley gave a bunch of new players their first taste of rugby.
SILICON VALLEY 16 – Los Altos 3 Referee: John Pohlman
The high school league has started this week. Silicon Valley was hosting Los Altos in Sunnyvale for a 5:30 PM start.
This was Silicon Valley's eighth game this season to Los Altos' second.
The pre-season schedule helped Silicon Valley. They just seemed a bit more polished. I use that word loosely because this was far from and error free game.
Silicon Valley scored with two penalty kicks and a try for the first half. Center Phil Rasuaki scored on a multiple phase attack. Fullback Kevin Pierale was dead on for the penalty kicks.
This was a pretty fast well contested half.
The only score in the second half came at 32 minutes when Silicon Valley's second row Justin Lundepes scored on a forward drive. This was in the end zone which had no lights. Fortunately Justin was alone with the ball grounded when I finally spotted him.
All in all, these were two well coached athletic teams. If both teams clean up their mistakes at the tackle they will be competing for a playoff spot.
Monday at Treasure Island
Varsity: De La Salle – EA Referee: Pete Smith
JV: DE LA SALLE 8 (1) – Elsie Allen 7 (1) Referee: Joe Saccomanno
Frosh/soph: De La Salle – EA Referee: Edward Barfels
Wednesday, February 21:
At Cal’s Witter Field:
3:30 PM: California – Univ. of British Columbia Referee: Paul Bretz
Touch Judge: Pete Smith, John Pohlman
At Treasure Island’s Rocca Field:
4 PM: California women – UBC women Referee: Bryant Byrnes
If you’d like to run touch, be a fourth official, or just show up and watch these excellent matches, contact the referee for details.
The RFU's Ed Morrison and USA's Ed Todd writes:
USA Rugby and the RFU are pleased to announce an innovative opportunity for referees in the United States to talk with Ed Morrison, the former iRB referee and England's elite referee development officer.
As part of the Churchill Cup RFU Alliance, Ed will join USA Rugby's Referee Development Manager, Ed Todd on a monthly conference call, to which a number of referees will be invited to participate. Each month a different topic will be explored, the basis for which will be questions asked by conferees.
Our first topic will be "managing the scrum". Following topics will be announced in the referee's area of
Here's how it works: the conference calls, which last about 30 minutes, will take place on the last Monday of each month at 6:00 GMT (10:00 Pacific, 11:00 Mountain, 12:00 Central, 1:00 East). Referees across the U.S. are invited to submit their questions to Ed Todd no later than one week in advance. From the submitted questions, eight will be selected and the authors invited to participate in the call to ask Ed Morrison, and share in the dialogue that follows, as moderated by Ed Todd.
Be make sure no one misses out, each call will be recorded and made accessible on the USA Rugby website at
Be sure to take advantage of sharing in this unique opportunity to learn from the best, enjoy many insights and - perhaps - a few seasoned tales.
Your loyal scribe is hijacking this feature this week, stealing it for our own proud purposes.
Linda and Bruce Carter renewed their vows on their 25th anniversary, said vows having lapsed through a misbegotten divorce fifteen years ago.
Some couples tragically grow apart while together; Linda and Bruce magically grew together while apart.
And so it was that they were married February 13 in the living room of their still-in-escrow home, empty but for the love of God, children, grandchildren, and each other.
Their first wedding was in Las Vegas on a Hastings RFC roadtrip. It was performed by a guy in a candy-apple-red leisure suit who called the groom ‘Melvin’. The latter was by a Minister who blessed their new home and gave them communion.
Linda read from I Corinthians 13; Bruce read Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116:
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.
For the Senate
Pelicus Scriptoris