Sevens, tens, fifteens and a luau to whet your appetite…
August 18:
Pre-season: Fog vs. All Blues. A ref and a couple of ARs would be great!
Sevens: Chico tournament. Three or four refs should do the trick.
August 25:
Reno Tournament – fifteens. We have six refs so far, including one from SoCal, and could use three or four more.
Rooms will be provided. It starts at 8 AM Saturday, so you’ll need a Friday night room for sure.
September 1:
Regular season: Fog vs. NorCal. Ref and ARs.
September 1 and 2, Saturday and Sunday:
Scottish Games in Pleasanton, with 3 one-hour games each day.
September 8:
Fog hosting Seattle. Ref and ARs.
Tri-Tip Sevens in SLO. Three or four pelicans is about right. Drive down to Salinas and carpool in the Pelicanmobile.
September 15:
Fog hosting Belmont Shore. Ref and ARs.
Sacramento Lions Tens tournament, with women’s teams playing either tens or sevens.
September 22:
Luau at Bruce and Linda Carter’s in Salinas. Pelicans are invited! It’s the California Airshow weekend. If you can’t find a room in town for Saturday night, we can put you up. Or you can drive home and miss half the fun.
Let us know if you’d like to sign up for any of these.
The Olympics have occupied the Senate’s time every evening the fortnight past. That, and the summer being the busiest time by far for our day job, which often extends into the night this time of year.
Friday, July 27:
NCYRA HIGH SCHOOL PELICANS 19 – British Columbia 17 Referee: Jordan Bruno
ARs: Preston Gordon, Mateo (SFGG)
A fast paced spirited match with two very evenly matched teams. BC came to Sheeran Field ready to win. The Pelicans were a steadfast opponent. BC went on the board early, up 10-7 at the break, controlling set pieces and allowing their fast backs to bring the ball over the try line for scores. The Pelicans had a steady defensive line that never wavered, making tackles when they counted and keeping BC from building continuity of play. Late in the game with minutes to go, the NorCal side put a try over to move up 19-17 with two minutes left. BC tried to move in for the win at the last kickoff for the match. In the ensuing rucks, BC won control and made a break for the goal. A mishandled pass was booted off the pitch for a close win by the Pelicans. Overall, a great match with plenty of excitement from the stands. Thanks to Preston Gordon and Mateo from Golden Gate for assisting as touch judges and to SFGG for hosting a great event.
Saturday, July 28:
Palo Alto Summer Sevens Series
Another wonderful set of Saturdays wound up with visits from the Mexican national men’s and women’s teams, providing opportunities for some Pelicans and visiting SoCal refs to work with top-flight teams.
Andrew Lin and Marquise Goodwin flew up to help out, and saved the day: everyone did six or seven games. Without these two, figure eight or nine. Maybe it’s a good thing the Palo Alto series doesn’t run to four weekends anymore – interest seems to wane among the refs, as much as it pains us to type those words.
Saturday-Sunday, August 4-5:
USA Rugby club sevens championships (men and women) at SFGG
We had thirty Pelicans on hand and it wasn’t nearly enough. Dave Williamson and Ron DeCausemaker worked about fifty games each as sixth officials, while those running as ARs, in-goals and fourth officials averaged 25-30 games each. See below for a partial group photo.
We had some very-much-welcome visitors: Andrew Lin and Marquise Goodwin traveled up from SoCal again and brought Joshua Pendergrass along, while three more dropped in from the Pacific Northwest: Jonathan ‘Chewie’ Pasque, Gavin Beaudry and Chad Douglas.
The entire flock appreciates the confidence that Pat McNally and his team places in us, entrusting the NCRRS to provide and assign the ancillary officials even to games as critical as national championship finals.
(For those who don’t get out as often as some rugby addicts we could name, this is not the norm.)

It’s a mob at Sheeran Field, and this leaves out about 25 people – there were 14 assigned refs, 30 Pelicans and friends, plus performance reviewers of various stripes.
For the Senate
Pelicus Scriptoris